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Huadong Sole in LINEAPELLE

Views: 52     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-10-25      Origin: Site

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The globally renowned LINEAPELLE exhibition, held in 2023, bore witness to Huadong Sole's exceptional products and innovative designs. LINEAPELLE is the most prestigious international trade show dedicated to leather, accessories, components, synthetic materials, as well as models for footwear, leather goods, apparel, and furniture. It stands as the paramount international exhibition and serves as a platform for staying in sync with the latest fashion trends.

Huadong Sole showcased its innovative shoe soles and sole molds, encompassing everything from common Rubber Soles, Thermoplastics, PU Soles, and EVA Soles to natural and sustainable materials like Cork Soles. These products not only exemplify Huadong Sole's fresh approach to sole design but also underscore its commitment to environmental sustainability.

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The booth garnered significant attention, drawing numerous attendees with a profound interest in our sole materials. Our oil-resistant soles, composed of natural rubber and nitrile rubber, met ISO standards for protective attributes and included additional performance features. Customers were particularly impressed by the exceptional traction of our Arctic grip soles, and the durability of our military soles left a lasting impression.

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The Huadong Sole booth saw a continuous influx of inquisitive customers seeking insights into our product advantages. Our dedicated staff enthusiastically provided detailed solutions, effectively addressing customer inquiries.

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Throughout the exhibition, our guiding principle was to stay aligned with the latest trends in the shoe industry and anticipate future market developments. We actively explored new business connections and collaboration opportunities, paving the way for Huadong Sole's future growth and development.

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